
Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Future Of Computer Crime In America :: essays research papers

The Future of Computer Crime in the States     The pro intentration of home calculating machines, and of home computers equipped withmodems, has brought about a major change in the way American societycommunicates, interacts, and receives information. all in all of these changes beingpopularized by the media and the wide increased personal and private sector affairof the Internet. All of these factors plus the fact of more and more businessand governance institutions are jumping to pose the consumption of these services hasput a oftentimes wider range of information at the finger tips of those, often selectand a few(prenominal) individuals whom know how to access, understand and use theseinformation sources. Often times now this information is of a very sensitiveand private nature on anything from IRS Tax returns, to Top Secret NASA payloadlaunch information. Piled on binding of that many times the individuals accessingthese information sources are do ing so by immoral means and are often motivatedby deviant and contraband means. It is said that at any given time the averageAmerican has his light upon on an active file in over 550 computer informationdatabases of which near 90% are online, and of the 550 databases the numbercomes no where polish to how many time your personal information is listed insome database in an unactive file. The "Average American" could simply sit inhis/her home doing nearly nothing all day long and still have his/her name gothrough over 1,000 computers a day.     All of these considerable information files all hold the crucial ones and zerosof data that make up your life as you and all others know it. All of these databits, at the detention 100,000s of people. With little or NO central control orregulatory agency to oversee the safe handling of your precious little ones andzeros of information. As it would seem Arson Wells was little late with histitle of "1984" . " overlarge BROTHER" is INDEED WATCHING, US ALL and as it would seemour massive BROTHER is alot bigger then Mr. Wells could have ever imagined. And thatour epic BROTHER is EVERYWHERE The 100,000s of people that do have thisinformation make up our modern BIG BROTHER in the form of governmentinstitutions to private advertising companies, these people are all the"trusted" ones who use our information everyday for legal and useful purposesbut what about the others who use their skills and and knowledge to gain their"own" personal and illegal access to these vast depositories of information?These individuals popularized and demonized by the media are often referred to

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