
Friday, March 15, 2019

Essay --

John Berger notes that, pilot light mental juts are silent and still in a sense that instruction never is. This observation is not different in the case of Vincent wagon train Goghs Cafe Terrace at Night (1888). While visiting a museum, I stumbled across this painting, one of Vincent cutting edge Goghs long works. My next move was to engage with the painting, with the aim of sagaciousness critical training in relation to its meaning, significance and importance in both the tralatitious and modern setting (Whitney et al, 360). This is to ensure that we learn more about the conspicuous paintings hanging on the walls of museums. In addition, this approach is vital in understanding both the literal and hidden meaning of such a painting, as intended by the artist. The name of the picture speaks volumes in relation to its context and setting it is a dark scene. From a literal perspective, the picture shows a large establishment where people from the region can enjoy their umbe r by night. On the other hand, the picture also focuses on the fount of an important meaning in accordance with the intention and the aim of the jaguar in its composition. For instance, Van Gogh focuses on expressing a beautiful guinea pig aided by the stars and the bright sky. In addition, the painting integrates bright colour in to express a peaceful encounter during a bright night (Brower 200). Firstly, I thought it would be satisfying to understand specific info in relation to the development of this painting. I imploreed myself When was this picture made? Vincent Van Goghs the Caf Terrace, at Night 1888, was multicoloured between the 9th and the sixteenth of September 1888. The next key question was the location. I learnt that the picture was painted in Arles. According to an obse... ...to different generations in the history of Arles (Punt et al, 228). In the twenty-first century, the painting still has a great meaning to the people of Arles. This indicates that the pa inting expresses a cultural relevance to the people of Arles in a confusable manner to that which they felt in the 19th century. This attachment is valuable in enhancing my interaction with the painting. Analysis indicates that the painting has diverse meanings in relation to the suit of interaction an individual has with the picture. The picture is never silent once you ask relevant questions such as its meaning, intention, and significance to the artist and the target audience. Moreover, the picture could be of meaning and relevance to individuals from different generations or centuries. This is because the painting has captured and exhibited a beautiful scene (The Drawings of Van Gogh 12).

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